


Dads at the Dentist

dad at taree dental care

We love all our Dads  but they sure can be an interesting breed when it comes to visiting us at the clinic.🧡

A lot of them don’t feel they need to visit unless they’ve got a toothache, some are a bit more conscientious and visit every 2 years.  Others, although they wouldn’t like to admit it, are just plain scared.

At Taree Dental Care we’ve pulled together a  light-hearted profile of a few of the types of Dad we see come through our doors.

The Poster Boy Dad

This is the Dad who believes prevention is better than cure and who takes great care of his teeth.

If all Dads were like the Poster Boy, our jobs would be a breeze! He brushes his teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, he flosses, he avoids soft drinks and sugary snacks and he keeps his appointments every 6 months for preventative checks.

This Dad not only keeps his own appointments but schedules regular check ups for the kids and leads by example by showing his kids how to keep their teeth clean.

He is instilling in them from a young age the importance of dental care and hygiene and showing them that there’s nothing scary about going to the dentist. He may even treat himself to a tooth whitening treatment occasionally just to keep his smile extra pearly.

The Fixer-Upper Dad

This is the kind of Dad who only comes to see us when something is wrong.He believes regular dental check ups are a waste of money but when something plays up, he will begrudgingly pop along and see us.

He keeps his teeth in OK condition, he brushes at least once a day, but he probably doesn’t floss regularly. When he comes in with a toothache, he will usually consent to a check-up while he’s there because there’s no point coming back twice, right?

While he’s not too fussed on his own dental health, he does think it’s important for his kids to have strong teeth, so he makes sure they keep regular appointments.  He may not book appointments for himself, but when it comes to his kid’s teeth he makes sure they’re being looked after.  So I guess this Dad is not all bad.

The ‘I haven’t been to the dentist for years’ Dad (and I am proud of it)

Hmmmmm.  This is the Dad who makes no bones about the fact that he doesn’t go to the dentist.

He may even brag about how long it’s been since he visited. He brushes his teeth when he remembers and probably hasn’t replaced his toothbrush in…..well lets just say the bristles resemble something like a crusty echidna.

Often this Dad doesn’t like to admit it, but he may be a bit frightened of the dentist and he will put off visiting as long as possible.

When tooth pain flares up, he’s likely to just try and treat it with pain killers or a visit to the doctors – the dentist he will avoid for as long as possible. When we finally do see this Dad he’s usually in a large amount of pain and needs to have major treatment, like an extraction.

It would be great if we can teach this Dad that proper dental care and regular visits will prevent painful dental emergencies in the future!

The Happy-go-lucky Dad

The happy-go-lucky Dad also rarely goes to the dentist but somehow manages to get away with it. He will have grown up drinking fluoridated water  and probably takes quite good care of his teeth, brushing twice daily and the occasional flossing.✔️

When this Dad does come to visit us, he is often sheepish about his lack of visits, or sometimes just claims he’s been ‘too busy’. When we find out he hasn’t visited in years we are always astounded at the good state of his teeth.

He usually needs a good clean and some tartar removed but he’s somehow managed to avoid any decay or other problems.  That’s why we call him Lucky!

The happy-go-lucky Dad may also feel pleasantly surprised and feel that he can probably get away with not visiting again for a long time.❌

Little does he know he is a rare find indeed and his luck may not last till next time!

So do you think our team nailed all the Dads?  (If there is one Dad you think we’ve missed, then please let us know!  We’d like to be prepared when he visits us at Taree Dental Care!

Related Tag: Family Dentist in Taree

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